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CareerBuilder Network Gets Top Rating From TechTV

CareerBuilder Touted for Job Seeker Offerings, Smooth Usability

RESTON, Va., April 17 /PRNewswire/ -- When it comes to landing the right jobs for job seekers, the CareerBuilder Network is TechTV's top pick. In a recent product review, TechTV gave CareerBuilder the highest rating of all the top online recruiters. The CareerBuilder Network gives job seekers access to jobs on more than 75 online sites from a single location.

"The top TechTV rating is great testimony for why more career seekers are turning to the CareerBuilder Network instead of the myriad first-generation single job boards," said Rob McGovern, chairman and CEO of CareerBuilder. "Lots of single job boards tout traffic numbers, page views and mounds of metrics that have little to do with what's most important -- helping people with career choices and finding the right job."

The TechTV report (see touts CareerBuilder's ability to search more than 75 different job sites, including online classifieds of major newspapers such as and, and the ability to keep up to five Personal Search Agents, allowing job seekers to use "specific search engines and keywords to find a job." CareerBuilder is "very impressive in terms of its total offerings and smooth usability," according to the report.

TechTV awarded CareerBuilder with four-out-of-five stars -- the highest rating in a recent product review of the online career sector.

About CareerBuilder, LLC
CareerBuilder Inc., the most powerful career network on the Web, is the leading provider of targeted Web recruiting. Through the CareerBuilder Network, employers can post jobs to pinpoint exactly the right candidates by location, industry or diversity. Job seekers can instantly search more than 75 of the Internet's best career sites, in just a couple of clicks. CareerBuilder also provides personalized career services and advice. The CareerBuilder Network includes -- the flagship career center -- and the career centers of premiere destination sites including MSN,, USA, and,, and

CareerBuilder Media Contact
For all media inquiries and interview requests, contact:

Jennifer Grasz
(P) 773-527-1164